Friday, June 11, 2010

why yes, I would indeed like some cheese with that

so i've talked about what's great about traveling... nice people, interesting food, new experiences, beautiful rice terraces (what's that? you say I HAVEN'T talked about the rice terraces? and haven't postedp pictures either?  well golly gee.  anyway - they're beautiful!)...  so maybe you're saying to yourself, but Camila, why aren't you complaining about anything?

Okay.  Probably nobody in the world was thinking that.  but I'm going to complain anyway.  Here's what sucks about my trip:

1. getting around.  A) metro manila is very, very large.  B) the transportation system is complex and confusing.  there are at least 6 major forms of transportation and only 1 of them comes with maps.   C) I am not centrally located. D)  traffic is terrible.  E) I am really, really, really bad with directions.  you... you have no idea.  and usually it doesn't bother me - i get a little lost, eventually I figure it out, whatever - but HERE, because of items A-D, I am already spending hours every day just getting from place to place.  Add in E - specifically, the fact that I have, in a single day, spent multiple hours being LOST or suffering the consequences of getting lost and no i am not exaggerating, HOURS - and my abysmal sense of direction leads to a horrific amount of time wasted.

2. internet... I have three choices for internet and so far they are all pretty obnoxious.  A) internet cafe... expensive, no privacy, i always feel awkward putting in my passwords on a public computer.  B) a USB modem, which is very convenient but infuriatingly slow, or C) wifi in cafes etc - which would be great if it worked, but my 4#$!#@#@$@ netbook won't recognize any wifi signals anymore. it's a netbook!  the whole point is to get on the net!   and it's not just annoying because I want to browse the web or facebook or publish things here - I actually have emails I need to read for my research!

3. the heat.  it's... it's hot.  that's all.

4.  being lonely.  This is my first time really traveling by myself, and... well... I'm just glad that I'm interviewing people.  It forces me to meet folks (four or more per day, so far!!) and talk to them, gives me company, and since we often meet for meals, reduces the number of times I have to eat alone.  but I still spend a lot of time asking for tables for one, people-watching, or gazing out the windows of buses/jeepneys/taxis (see item 1).  mornings are fine, since I'm dragging myself out of bed and getting ready, and my middays are usually busy, but evenings - evenings get more difficult.

5.  sleep deprivation.  I might possibly be very slightly overscheduling myself... by which I mean, I've taken over 25 interviews in the last week and a half, and toured three communities, and it's not left me much time for sleeping.  but I'll try to do better... Hi, Dolores!

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