Friday, June 25, 2010

a taxi ride

I had just finished chewing out my taxi driver for the high price of a ride from the airport - which was a mistake, it wasn't his fault, the company set the standard price, i knew it and i know, i know, i shouldn't have.  I blame my hunger and my intense lack of sleep - I hadn't slept a wink the whole night, in bed or on the plane, and my head hurt like hell, and traveling wasn't feeling very fun any more.  In fact, I blame my lack of sleep for the whole business.

After a lengthy and not-particularly-amicable silence from me, the taxi driver spoke up.  "From Manila, ma'am?"

"No, Davao."  Another grumpy silence, and he tried again.

"Your first time in Iloilo?"

"Yes," I said, and paused.  "But my grandfather is from the area."

"Ah, whereabouts?"

I faltered.  "I... I don't actually know."  Another pause, and I blurted out, "He's dying."

I fell back into silence, now more shocked than sullen, completely surprised by myself.

"Are you coming back for the funeral?"

"No," I said, and swallowed.  "He's back home in the states.  And I'm here," I said, and laughed a little, except suddenly I was crying, too, and that was another surprise.

And I was still talking and I didn't know why.  "He's back in America and I'm here and I'm worried," I choked out, "I'm worried I won't get to say goodbye," and suddenly I was sobbing.  The driver didn't say a word, but he might have given me a sympathetic glance or something, I don't know, because I wasn't looking.  I was staring down at the plush red seats and saying to myself, "Breathe, Camila, breathe.  This isn't productive at all."  And crying.  Still crying.

8 am, Friday morning, my first day in Iloilo.

1 comment:

  1. You should know that yesterday I showed Lolo pictures on the computer of you with some of his relatives. He enjoyed the pictures and kept trying to identify what was being eaten (at least in the pictures that included food).
