Monday, June 7, 2010

attempt 1

i am very tired.  like, davidson-level tired... and i guess i should acknowledge the existence of davidson students who actually sleep enough to sustain themselves but really they're practically mythical beings.  i was roommates with a unicorn is what i'm saying.

wait, what am i saying?

i think I was saying i am tired.  that's it.  i'm tired.  those three night buses in a row are catching up with me and it ain't pretty.  (speaking of not being pretty, why is everybody i interview freaking gorgeous?? it's another post as well as being a blatant stereotype but these women manage to have perfect makeup in the middle of the afternoon on a 95-degree day with humidity so high the walls drip and they don't break a sweat, their hair is perfect, their skin is beautiful and i'm standing in the middle of the train covered in sweat, my hair a mess, simultaneously sunburnt and ghastly pale (it's a feat) and realizing for the first time in my life that my cheekbones are wholly inadequate and let's not even talk about my eyes.  and yet the women on the billboards look more like me than like anybody else I see, hair brown instead of black, skin light instead of dark, nose short and stubby instead of gorgeous and flat, and Pond's ads scream "DO YOU WANT TO BE WHITE?" and THAT, my friends, is messed up.  messed the fuck up.  pardon the french or don't, whatever, your choice, but seriously skin whitening cream is enough to make me want to boycott every skin-care company in the world cuz as near as I can tell they all make one and aggressively market it based purely on the idea that filipina women are unattractive unless they are as pale-skinned as possible and I seriously - really seriously - want to shake the young women buying that shit and tell them YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL.  and then tell them that i'm not saying this as some sort of empowerment message but because I am freaking JEALOUS.  and that's all.

what am i talking about again?

hold on.  let's start over.  this isn't going how i planned.

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