Thursday, June 17, 2010

I'm with my filipino family in south cotabato, in the home of my great-aunt - spent a great evening meeting second cousins and hanging out with my "titas." tomorrow we're visiting a beautiful lake, riding a zipline, looking at waterfalls, maybe trying some videoke.

meanwhile, on the other side of the world, my lolo is sick and getting sicker. I am here, having fun with his sister and nieces.

am I in the right place? am I with the right family? am I doing the right thing?

1 comment:

  1. Yes, yes, and yes. Look at it this way: perhaps your lolo is traveling with you (in spirit, of course) and revisiting his homeland and siblings. By the way, it was brilliant timing when you called him from Manila. He was overjoyed to talk to you while you were there. So you see, you are far away geographically but very close to his heart.
