Wednesday, June 2, 2010


What am I doing with my life??

I can tell you what I'm NOT doing.  I'm NOT providing much-needed health services to desperately poor communities.  I'm NOT working to increase the clean water supply and reduce the incidence of preventable childhood diseases.  I'm NOT battling maternal mortality or petitioning the government for a reproductive rights bill.

which brings me to the question... what on earth am I doing with my life?


  1. Breathe. You have the best heart of anyone I know. You are making a difference. And your EDUCATION will prepare you to take a leading role in the things you care about. You will be at the forefront instead of just another worker bee fighting for a cause, you'll be leading the charge. Just breathe. You are INVESTING in your future, and you will make a big, big, big difference. BREATHE :)

  2. Yes! Well said, Jenny. Camila, you are opening up your life to people on the other side of the earth. Some are total strangers, some are friends who knew you when you were toddling around the Philippine Resource Center. And some will love you immediately because you are their living, breathing connection to Gerardo Flamiano. So what are you doing with your life? Well, right now you are letting the world be your book. Keep reading, and keep breathing.

  3. Regarding the question what are you doing with your life?
    1. You are learning.
    2. You are taking control of your learning and choosing the direction it takes.
    3. You are observing and recording so that you can in the future remember and use that information to make decisions.
    4. You are waiting until the future to decide what to do with the learning.

  4. Can I just say that I love your label? And I agree with all of the above. You're only 21. Although, a certain A. Pope had already written a certain masterpiece by age 23 ...
    Just kidding.
