Monday, September 20, 2010

London Blogging, to the faraway towns

Well, I certainly have been terribly remiss in posting... we've been here for almost two weeks, and nothing!   

So let me start:

We're in London!

In the next stage of my 2010 adventures, my boyfriend William and I are spending the fall semester in London with the University of London's study abroad program, taking classes at the London Met as well as courses with other American students.  We just finished our first class (theatre, as they spell it here) today.  We'll have an easy first few weeks, as our Met courses (the ones we'll take with British students instead of with each other) don't start until October, so we'll be doing a lot more exploring of the city over the next few weeks.

 Now, I COULD try to cover all of the last week and a half in one epic-length blog post, but really, who wants that?  So instead, I'll go for the shotgun approach, and try to fling out a bunch of short posts.  I am bad at writing things that are short, and sometimes (read: every month but november) I am bad at sitting down to write  anything at all, but I shall give it the old college try.

True story: I used to think that "the old college try" meant a cursory, half-hearted attempt.  This is the opposite of what it actually means.  Does this reveal something about my own associations with the word "college?"  Or is it just easy to confuse words and phrases for their opposite if you are too stubborn to get a dictionary and try to use context clues?

But already I've digressed.  Let me start again.

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