Tuesday, June 21, 2011

A little rain never hurt anybody...

(Probably what Noah's neighbors all told each other)

So my TransAmerican Train Trip is undergoing a little revision, thanks to the weather in Montana.  A phone call around noon informed me that there was no way - not by the power of heaven or hell, let alone earthly forces - that Amtrak would be dropping me off in Wolf Point, Montana.  Flooding has devastated a few parts of Montana, and put Amtrak's tracks underwater, which - who knew? - is apparently bad news for trains.

People coming east can get from Seattle to Havre, Montana (though they have to take them by bus for part of it), and people going west can get from Chicago to Minneapolis - but between Minneapolis and Havre, YOU SHALL NOT PASS, says Conductor Gandalf.  I looked up a few options and all the buses would have got me to Montana later than I wanted (and that's IF the trains ran on time to get me to the bus stops, which, given that the schedule is now all messed up, is highly doubtful) and among the flights it was cheapest to go from NY.

Absurd, isn't it?  Three separate flights, totally almost 3,000 miles, and it's CHEAPER than a tiny little puddle-jumper out of Minneapolis.  Oh airline pricing.

So now, instead of sitting on a train headed for Chicago, I'm hanging out in NYC for a little longer - crashing with the BEST ROOMMATE FROM NYC* EVER, thanks Natasha!!!- and flying out of La Guardia in the morning.  And I won't be able to say that I looped the country by train... but I tried!  Rain, man.  Whatcha gonna do.

Incidentally, I can't remember if I mentioned this before, but the two stations I was going to visit in Montana were Wolf Point and West Glacier.  I think that pretty well sums up what you can find in Montana - things that want to eat you and giant blocks of ice.  Doesn't it make you want to build a tiny little house in the middle of an empty field and live throughsome  -40 degree winters?

Me neither!!!

Which really makes me wonder... just how awful was life in Prussia?  Must've been pretty much terrible if frontier Montana seemed like a good deal.  But then again, maybe they just didn't know what they were getting into...

I'm super behind on blog posts.  Let's see what I can do.

*see, Emily, no insult!

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