Thursday, October 7, 2010


I'm sitting in one of the reading rooms in Senate House library - an enormous, stone-clad tower in Central London - surrounded by worn wood shelves and dusty old art folios.  I like to work here because of the terrible wifi (which rather effectively discourages me from getting distracted) and the massive windows, which show off the gray skies about as well as anything can.  It's another chilly day, and from this window it looks like the trees are feeling rather windswept and rain is on its way.  In short, I am a long, long way from the islands!

And yet I am immersing myself in my endless pages of transcriptions - yes, I'm still working on this dang article, don't judge!  there's so much material and I'm so busy and so easily distracted and yes, okay, judge away.  I can almost feel the oppressive heat of a Manila summer and see palm-covered mountains rising out of the sea.

Almost.  But not quite.  It's still rather chilly.

I am hearing voices, though - not literally, as I've misplaced my headphones, but reading over the interviews is bringing up memories so vivid I'm almost looking over my shoulder to see if Ana or Anamaine or Bernice or Catherine is standing there.

I'd tell you more, but as you can see, I'm only up to the C's!  Much to do!

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